53 Percent of Women Secretly Desire Has Split From Her partner

Of financial problems, habits, work and communication, a lot of things that can lead to bickering lovers. Not infrequently, these problems arise from the mind each.

A poll compiled by the Women's Health and Men's Health to reseponden 1,400 men and women about the most problems so the bickering pair. The answer was, surprisingly, that they are often thought of separation from her partner.

The survey showed 53 percent of women secretly want to be separated from her partner. While 44 percent of men had never thought about it at all.
These results are in line with research that revealed by Stanford University. Revealed that 69 percent of divorce starts from the wife.

"This figure and the gap to the divorce can not prove if the man is happier when married. But this research shows if a woman would do something if they are not happy," said author and consultant relations, Laura Doyle.

According to Laura, the woman frequently done with the ups and downs of the relationship to decide whether they are the emotional sacrifices paid to the relationship. As for men, although a few things create stress but did not take steps to it.

"Men will go to make their partner happy, even when they fail. This is why, when an argument ensued, the couple should be clear about what they need emotionally and physically to determine the problem solution


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